Who is MILO?

Multiple intelligences

MILO is an assessment and therapeutic tool disguised as a toy! MILO helps identify how children learn by focusing on their strengths and interests. MILO encourages choice making, language opportunities, and challenges children with new tasks.

Young children want to communicate and want to make choices for themselves. Children with and without special needs are learning about the expectations of language and communication, as well as other areas of physical, social and emotional development. MILO is an opportunity for communication, interaction, development, and fun!

MILO is a plush “interaction” bear with eight colorful, kid-friendly pockets based on Gardner’s eight intelligences. MILO’s Smart Logos (the graphic symbol on each pocket) illustrate which intelligence the pocket is representing. These include: Nature Smart, Word Smart, Music Smart, People Smart, Math Smart, Body Smart, Picture Smart and Self Smart. The Smart Logos help identify the child’s strengths, while the color pockets inspire children to discover and remember their favored toys and make the connection between MILO and MILO’s toys.

MILO’s first backpack includes eight colorful toy and activity bags that match MILO’s pockets. MILO’s first backpack also includes the book, “Playtime With MILO”. This book models how MILO plays with his toys. The included activity cards
give suggested play strategies
and encouragement ideas.