MILO For Therapists

Multiple Intelligences

MILO makes it easy and fun for therapists to interact with a child, learn their strengths, develop new skills and assess their progress. MILO encourages choice making, language opportunities, and challenges children with new tasks. Once areas of interest are discovered, MILO enables therapists to incorporate their preferred strategies into MILO’s activities.

Prior to using MILO with a child, take the time to explore MILO and his toys on your own. Review the activity cards included in the toy bags, these suggestions assist with introduction and enrichment sessions. This site will help you understand more about Multiple Intelligences, how MILO works, the benefits of using MILO, and tools to enrich your therapeutic sessions.

In our experiences, the first few sessions with MILO are about exploring and having fun. Once a child understands the idea of making choices through MILO’s pockets, we recommended you always encourage the child to request toys using MILO’s pockets. By allowing the child to search through the toy bags and backpack, you miss the opportunity for communication. Find a comfortable space on the floor, cleared of objects and other toys, and start to play!

Working with MILO One-on-One

  • Enables children to initiate the activity of their choosing
  • Creates an opportunity for the therapist to observe the student’s ability with each        activity
  • Initiates discussion and communication between the child and therapist
  • Gives the therapist the opportunity to focus on that child’s strengths and modality       of learning

Working with MILO in a Group

  • Creates an opportunity for a shared experience among the children
  • Initiates a therapist directed activity, which helps build trust and rapport between       the therapist and the children
  • Catalyst for opening the doors of communication between children
  • Builds a specific focus for the group

Therapists can use the Strength Finder and Individual Profile Summary to keep track of individual students progress with MILO. Both reproducibles are included in the MILO kit.