MILO's Benefits

Multiple intelligences

The MILO kit is inspired by Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences. The eight intelligences MILO addresses can be taught, nurtured and strengthened. Because MILO helps children stay focused on one task at a time, caregivers may use the child’s stronger intelligences to awaken and strengthen developing intelligences.

The Benefits for Teachers and Therapists:

• Build communication with their students                  • Identify their student’s strengths • Engages students                                                             • Ideal tool for introducing new skills • Creates goal oriented playtime                                     • Encourages parents to incorporate strategies in their routine •Backpack makes clean-up easy and he’s portable.    • Improves communication between teachers and parents
  MILO is a tool that uses toys to help children: • Feel a sense of independence and confidence .         • Learn to initiate communication • Strengthen language and communication skills      • Experience the gratification of making a successful request • Improve memory skills and listening skills               • Develop and improve gross and fine motor skills • Socialization and self-help skills                                 • Develop rhythm and coordination of movement • Learn about their own feelings/emotions as well as being able to read others