MILO For Educators

Multiple intelligences

We have recommended starting points for using MILO based on the developmental stages of children.

If the child is interested in books and can sit 1-2 minutes for a read aloud activity:

  • Introduce the “Playtime with MILO” book before introducing the child to MILO (word smart toy bag). As you read, point out the different toys MILO is playing with on each page.
  • After reading, introduce MILO. While exploring MILO, make connections between the book and MILO’s pockets. This builds association and memory.

If the child is not developmentally ready to sit for a read aloud activity:

  • Retrieve one toy bag from MILO’s backpack, and make the connection between the toy and the picture of the toy under MILO’s pocket. You may demonstrate how to play with the toy. Allow the child explore the toy, this creates an interaction and observation opportunity.
  • When the child is finished, place the toy back into it’s toy bag and then into the backpack. Make sure the child observes you doing this task. Allow the child to chose another toy through MILO’s pockets. Continue to explore each pocket.


In our experiences, the first few sessions with MILO are about exploring and having fun. Once a child understands the idea of making choices through MILO’s pockets, we recommended you always encourage the child to request toys using MILO’s pockets. By allowing the child to search through the toy bags and backpack, you miss the opportunity for communication.